How is electricity produced from manure?

Animal manure is converted into biogas by microorganisms by anaerobic digestion and used in electricity production. In anaerobic digestion process, where factors such as fertilizer, pH, temperature and retention time are important and organic loading rate is taken into consideration, methane forms as final product. This biogas generator with high methane content is converted into electricity.

The organic materials in the fertilizer go through hydrolysis, acid formation and methane formation processes. In the hydrolysis stage, carbohydrates, fats and proteins are digested and converted into propionic and butyric acid, various alcohols and other constituents. In the acid formation phase, these substances are converted to hydrogen, carbon dioxide and acetic acid by the presence of acetogenic bacteria. Finally, during the methane formation phase, methanogenic bacteria convert acetic acid to carbon dioxide and methane to form biogas.

The produced biogas produces electricity and hot water through the cogeneration unit. Biogas is used as fuel and makes the turbines work. When the turbines rotate, the engine starts, the magnetic field is generated and the generator starts. Electricity is generated by the operation of the generator. Thus, the manure is firstly transformed into biogas and from biogas to electricity.

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